
Archive Overview

2025 January

2025-01-22 - Strapi
2025-01-21 - Next.js
2025-01-21 - Sitemap
2025-01-20 - Google Search Console
2025-01-20 - Google Analytics
2025-01-17 - Webflow
2025-01-17 - Bubble
2025-01-16 - Hugo
2025-01-16 - Kirby CMS
2025-01-15 - MariaDB
2025-01-15 - MERN Stack
2025-01-14 - MEAN Stack
2025-01-14 - LAMP Stack
2025-01-10 - LEMP Stack
2025-01-09 - Top Level Domain - TLD
2025-01-08 - Duplicate Content
2025-01-06 - Canonical Link
2025-01-05 - Affiliate Marketing
2025-01-04 - Cost per Click - CPC
2025-01-03 - Webpage
2025-01-02 - Backlink
2025-01-02 - Search Engine Marketing - SEM

2024 December

2024-12-28 - Keyword Stuffing
2024-12-22 - Semantics
2024-12-21 - Syntax
2024-12-20 - Python
2024-12-18 - Content is King
2024-12-17 - Search Engine Advertising - SEA
2024-12-16 - Objektorientiertes Datenbanksystem - OODBMS
2024-12-15 - Object Query Language - OQL
2024-12-13 - Dynamic HTML - DHTML
2024-12-12 - Data Definition Language - DDL
2024-12-10 - Customer Relationship Managemen - CRM
2024-12-09 - Platform as a Service - PaaS
2024-12-07 - Local Area Network - LAN
2024-12-05 - Request for Comments - RFC
2024-12-04 - Remote Function Call - RFC
2024-12-03 - Document Object Model - DOM
2024-12-02 - Software Development Kit - SDK
2024-12-01 - Character Large Object - CLOB

2024 November

2024-11-22 - SonarQube
2024-11-21 - Duplicate Code
2024-11-20 - A B Testing
2024-11-19 - PSR-12
2024-11-19 - PSR-11
2024-11-18 - PSR-7
2024-11-12 - PSR-6
2024-11-07 - PSR-4
2024-11-07 - Monolog
2024-11-07 - PSR-3
2024-11-06 - PSR-2
2024-11-05 - PSR-1
2024-11-05 - Lines of Code - LOC
2024-11-04 - Cyclomatic Complexity

2024 October

2024-10-24 - Churn PHP
2024-10-23 - PHPmetrics
2024-10-23 - Dephpend
2024-10-23 - PHP Mess Detector - PHPMD
2024-10-23 - PHP CodeSniffer
2024-10-22 - Deptrac
2024-10-22 - Modernizr
2024-10-22 - Renovate
2024-10-19 - Dev Space
2024-10-19 - Composer Unused
2024-10-19 - Composer Require Checker
2024-10-19 - False Positive
2024-10-16 - Helm
2024-10-16 - Monorepo
2024-10-14 - Midjourney
2024-10-10 - OpenAI
2024-10-09 - GitHub Copilot
2024-10-09 - Write Around
2024-10-08 - Write Back
2024-10-08 - Write Through
2024-10-08 - Closed Source
2024-10-07 - Source Code
2024-10-06 - Module
2024-10-06 - Modulith
2024-10-04 - Hype Driven Development - HDD
2024-10-03 - Batch
2024-10-03 - Batch Processing
2024-10-01 - Contract Driven Development - CDD

2024 September

2024-09-30 - Monolith
2024-09-30 - Client Server Architecture
2024-09-29 - Gearman
2024-09-29 - Rich Site Summary - RSS
2024-09-28 - Neural Networks
2024-09-27 - Deep Learning
2024-09-27 - Artificial Intelligence - AI
2024-09-26 - Captain Hook
2024-09-25 - Entity
2024-09-25 - Domain Driven Design - DDD
2024-09-25 - Green IT
2024-09-24 - Breaking Changes
2024-09-23 - Changelog
2024-09-23 - Conventional Commits
2024-09-22 - Release Please
2024-09-22 - Dead Code
2024-09-19 - Phan
2024-09-19 - Exakat
2024-09-19 - Null Pointer Exception - NPE
2024-09-19 - Psalm
2024-09-18 - Rolling Deployment
2024-09-18 - Canary Release
2024-09-18 - Blue Green Deployment
2024-09-18 - Zero Downtime Release - ZDR
2024-09-11 - Syntactic Sugar

2024 August

2024-08-21 - Redundanz
2024-08-20 - Single Point of Failure - SPOF
2024-08-15 - Pipeline
2024-08-14 - Magic Numbers
2024-08-14 - Spaghetti Code
2024-08-14 - Algorithmus
2024-08-14 - Pseudocode
2024-08-14 - Bourne Again Shell - Bash
2024-08-13 - Merge Konflik
2024-08-13 - Interactive Rebase
2024-08-12 - Command Line Interface - CLI
2024-08-12 - Graphical User Interface - GUI
2024-08-05 - Command Query Responsibility Segregation - CQRS
2024-08-05 - Event Sourcing
2024-08-03 - Profiling
2024-08-03 - PHP SPX
2024-08-01 - Event Loop

2024 July

2024-07-31 - Event driven Programming
2024-07-31 - Dependency Injection - DI
2024-07-31 - Inversion of Control - IoC
2024-07-30 - Spring
2024-07-21 - Painless
2024-07-21 - Continuous Deployment - CD
2024-07-18 - Continuous Integration - CI
2024-07-14 - Release Artifact
2024-07-14 - Release Candidate - RC
2024-07-14 - Semantic Versioning - SemVer
2024-07-14 - Markdown
2024-07-12 - Static Site Generator - SSG
2024-07-12 - Jekyll
2024-07-11 - RESTful
2024-07-10 - Semaphore
2024-07-09 - No Preemption
2024-07-08 - Hold and Wait
2024-07-04 - Circular Wait
2024-07-03 - Deadlock
2024-07-03 - Frontend
2024-07-03 - Mutual Exclusion - Mutex
2024-07-03 - Race Condition
2024-07-02 - Backend
2024-07-02 - Trait

2024 June

2024-06-30 - RESTful API Modeling Language - RAML
2024-06-28 - OpenAPI
2024-06-27 - API First Development
2024-06-27 - PHP Standards Recommendation - PSR
2024-06-26 - Protocol Buffers
2024-06-26 - Wireshark
2024-06-26 - Guzzle
2024-06-24 - Nested Set
2024-06-24 - Coroutines
2024-06-21 - Swoole
2024-06-19 - ACID
2024-06-17 - Max Heap
2024-06-17 - Min Heap
2024-06-14 - Heap
2024-06-14 - Last In First Out - LIFO
2024-06-13 - First In First Out - FIFO
2024-06-13 - Priority Queue
2024-06-13 - Hash Map
2024-06-13 - Least Frequently Used - LFU
2024-06-13 - Least Recently Used - LRU
2024-06-13 - Time to Live - TTL
2024-06-12 - Cache
2024-06-09 - Extensible Hypertext Markup Language - XHTML
2024-06-09 - Idempotence
2024-06-05 - Ansible
2024-06-05 - YAML Aint Markup Language - YAML
2024-06-05 - JavaScript Object Notation - JSON
2024-06-03 - Serialization
2024-06-03 - Deserialization
2024-06-03 - Role Based Access Control - RBAC

2024 May

2024-05-29 - Least Privilege Principle
2024-05-29 - Remote Code Execution - RCE
2024-05-29 - Server Side Includes - SSI
2024-05-29 - Server Side Includes Injection
2024-05-27 - Create Read Update Delete - CRUD
2024-05-26 - Fifth Normal Form - 5NF
2024-05-26 - Fourth Normal Form - 4NF
2024-05-25 - Boyce Codd Normal Form - BCNF
2024-05-24 - Third Normal Form - 3NF
2024-05-23 - Second Normal Form - 2NF
2024-05-22 - First Normal Form - 1NF
2024-05-21 - Normal Forms
2024-05-21 - State Machine
2024-05-19 - Rollback
2024-05-19 - Atomic Commit
2024-05-19 - Subversion - SVN
2024-05-19 - Commit
2024-05-19 - Best Practice
2024-05-16 - Code Review
2024-05-16 - Refactoring
2024-05-15 - Separation of Concerns - SoC
2024-05-15 - Dont Repeat Yourself - DRY
2024-05-15 - Keep It Simple Stupid - KISS
2024-05-15 - You Arent Gonna Need It - YAGNI
2024-05-10 - Solr
2024-05-07 - QuestDB
2024-05-07 - Cypress
2024-05-07 - Selenium
2024-05-07 - HiveMQ
2024-05-07 - CockroachDB
2024-05-02 - Stub
2024-05-01 - Mock

2024 April

2024-04-28 - CSRF Token
2024-04-27 - Web Application Firewall - WAF
2024-04-27 - Stubfiles
2024-04-25 - Fuzzing
2024-04-24 - Observable
2024-04-23 - Advanced Encryption Standard - AES
2024-04-18 - Heartbleed-Bug
2024-04-18 - Data Encryption Standard - DES
2024-04-18 - Browser Exploit Against SSL TLS - BEAST
2024-04-18 - Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption - POODLE
2024-04-18 - JSON Web Token - JWT
2024-04-17 - Common Weakness Enumeration - CWE
2024-04-14 - Kibana
2024-04-14 - Logstash
2024-04-14 - ELK-Stack
2024-04-14 - ActiveX Data Objects - ADO
2024-04-14 - Obfuscation
2024-04-11 - Active Server Pages - ASP
2024-04-11 - Lighttpd
2024-04-11 - FastCGI
2024-04-11 - Common Gateway Interface - CGI
2024-04-11 - Apache HTTP Server
2024-04-10 - PHP-FPM
2024-04-09 - Nginx
2024-04-08 - Webpack
2024-04-05 - Kubernetes
2024-04-05 - Docker
2024-04-05 - Uniform Resource Name - URN
2024-04-04 - Alpine.js
2024-04-04 - Livewire
2024-04-02 - Uniform Resource Identifier - URI
2024-04-02 - Uniform Resource Locator - URL
2024-04-02 - Regular expressions - Regex
2024-04-02 - RelaxNG
2024-04-02 - XML Schema Definition - XSD

2024 March

2024-03-26 - Document Type Definition - DTD
2024-03-25 - Firewall
2024-03-25 - Intrusion Detection Systems - IDS
2024-03-25 - Edge-Server
2024-03-25 - Content Delivery Network - CDN
2024-03-25 - HTTP-Amplification
2024-03-25 - Slowloris Attack
2024-03-19 - HTTP Flood Attack
2024-03-18 - SYN Flood attack
2024-03-18 - Distributed Denial of Service - DDoS
2024-03-16 - Denial of Service - DoS
2024-03-16 - XML External Entity Injection - XEE
2024-03-14 - Command Injection
2024-03-11 - Content Security Policy - CSP
2024-03-08 - Cross-Site Scripting - XSS
2024-03-08 - SQL-Injection - SQLI
2024-03-08 - Injection
2024-03-08 - Brute-Force Attack
2024-03-07 - Cryptographic Failures
2024-03-06 - Broken Access Control
2024-03-05 - Open Web Application Security Project - OWASP
2024-03-04 - RequireJS
2024-03-04 - Knockout.js
2024-03-04 - Tailwind CSS
2024-03-04 - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets - Sass
2024-03-04 - Leaner Style Sheets - LESS

2024 February

2024-02-11 - Unicast
2024-02-10 - Broadcast
2024-02-10 - Multicast
2024-02-07 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure - HTTPS
2024-02-07 - User Datagram Protocol - UDP
2024-02-07 - Transmission Control Protocol - TCP
2024-02-07 - Port
2024-02-04 - Secure Sockets Layer - SSL
2024-02-03 - Transport Layer Security - TLS
2024-02-03 - File Transfer Protocol Secure - FTPS
2024-02-03 - Secure File Transfer Protocol - SFTP

2024 January

2024-01-30 - File Transfer Protocol - FTP
2024-01-30 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol - SMPT
2024-01-30 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP
2024-01-27 - IP-Address
2024-01-26 - Domain Name System - DNS
2024-01-26 - Application Layer - OSI Layer 7
2024-01-25 - Presentation Layer - OSI Layer 6
2024-01-25 - Session Layer - OSI Layer 5
2024-01-24 - Transport Layer - OSI Layer 4
2024-01-24 - Network Layer - OSI Layer 3
2024-01-23 - Data Link Layer - OSI Layer 2
2024-01-23 - Physical Layer - OSI Layer 1
2024-01-22 - OSI-Model
2024-01-22 - Secure WebSocket - wss
2024-01-16 - Websockets
2024-01-15 - Classic Load Balancer - CLB
2024-01-15 - Network Load Balancer - NLB
2024-01-15 - Application Load Balancer - ALB
2024-01-12 - Elastic Load Balancer - ELB
2024-01-11 - Cloud Load Balancer
2024-01-11 - Software Load Balancer
2024-01-11 - Hardware Load Balancer
2024-01-08 - Load Balancer
2024-01-08 - Amazon Aurora
2024-01-06 - Virtual Private Server - VPS
2024-01-05 - Amazon Relational Database Service - RDS
2024-01-04 - Elastic Compute Cloud - EC2
2024-01-03 - Simple Storage Service - S3
2024-01-02 - Amazon Web Services - AWS
2024-01-01 - AWS Lambda

2023 December

2023-12-31 - Function as a Service - FaaS
2023-12-29 - Serverless
2023-12-29 - Cloud Computing
2023-12-29 - Publish-Subscribe-Pattern - PubSub
2023-12-29 - Google Cloud PubSub
2023-12-29 - Internet of Things - IoT
2023-12-29 - Subscriber
2023-12-29 - Publisher
2023-12-27 - Topic
2023-12-27 - Queue
2023-12-27 - Message Broker
2023-12-19 - Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - AMQP
2023-12-18 - RabbitMQ
2023-12-17 - Web Application
2023-12-17 - Programming Language
2023-12-15 - Interpreter
2023-12-14 - Directive
2023-12-13 - Garbage Collection
2023-12-13 - Java Virtual Machine - JVM
2023-12-11 - Java
2023-12-10 - Enterprise Resource Planning System - ERP
2023-12-09 - Interface
2023-12-09 - Reusability
2023-12-07 - Modularization
2023-12-06 - Immutability
2023-12-05 - Promises
2023-12-04 - Callback
2023-12-03 - Asynchronous programming
2023-12-02 - FuelPHP
2023-12-01 - Horizontal Scalability

2023 November

2023-11-30 - Vertical Scalability
2023-11-29 - Scalability
2023-11-28 - Express.js
2023-11-27 - Client-Side Rendering - CSR
2023-11-26 - Server Side Rendering - SSR
2023-11-26 - Nuxt.js
2023-11-26 - jQuery UI
2023-11-23 - Bootstrap
2023-11-22 - WooCommerce
2023-11-22 - TYPO3
2023-11-20 - Algolia
2023-11-18 - Data-Warehouse-System
2023-11-18 - Snowflake
2023-11-18 - Apache Kafka
2023-11-16 - PHP Attributes
2023-11-15 - PHPStan
2023-11-14 - Extensible Markup Language - XML
2023-11-13 - Cascading Style Sheets - CSS
2023-11-13 - Hypertext Markup Language - HTML
2023-11-13 - Asynchronous JavaScript and XML - AJAX
2023-11-10 - SQL Server
2023-11-09 - Database
2023-11-08 - Data consistency
2023-11-07 - Data Integrity
2023-11-06 - Primary Key
2023-11-05 - Relational Database Management System - RDBMS
2023-11-04 - SQLite
2023-11-03 - Structured Query Language - SQL
2023-11-02 - Xdebug
2023-11-01 - Laminas

2023 October

2023-10-31 - Middleware
2023-10-28 - Slim
2023-10-28 - CSRF-Token
2023-10-28 - Cross-Site Request Forgery - CSRF
2023-10-28 - Object-Relational Mapper - ORM
2023-10-28 - Phalcon
2023-10-28 - Progressive Web App - PWA
2023-10-28 - Magento
2023-10-28 - Joomla
2023-10-28 - Convention over Configuration - CoC
2023-10-28 - CakePHP
2023-10-26 - Tailwind
2023-10-24 - PostgreSQL
2023-10-24 - Relational Databases
2023-10-24 - MySQL
2023-10-22 - Yii
2023-10-20 - CodeIgniter
2023-10-19 - Drupal
2023-10-18 - Properties
2023-10-18 - Method
2023-10-17 - Object
2023-10-16 - Polymorphism
2023-10-15 - Object oriented programming - OOP
2023-10-15 - Encapsulation
2023-10-13 - Class
2023-10-12 - Inheritance
2023-10-12 - Composition
2023-10-09 - Aggregation
2023-10-08 - Deployment Diagram
2023-10-08 - Component Diagram
2023-10-08 - Activity Diagram
2023-10-08 - State Diagram
2023-10-08 - Use Case Diagram
2023-10-08 - Sequence Diagram
2023-10-05 - Association
2023-10-05 - Class Diagram
2023-10-05 - UML - Unified Modeling Language
2023-10-05 - Compiler
2023-10-05 - Packagist
2023-10-05 - Composer
2023-10-03 - Mercurial
2023-10-03 - Bitbucket
2023-10-03 - Gitlab
2023-10-03 - Github
2023-10-03 - Git

2023 September

2023-09-29 - Routing
2023-09-29 - Artisan
2023-09-28 - JIT - Just In Time Compilation
2023-09-27 - Proprietary Software
2023-09-25 - Open Source
2023-09-25 - HHVM - HipHop Virtual Machine
2023-09-25 - Generics
2023-09-24 - Microservice
2023-09-23 - gRPC
2023-09-21 - Terraform
2023-09-21 - Test-Driven Development - TDD
2023-09-20 - Prototype
2023-09-19 - Builder
2023-09-18 - Singleton
2023-09-16 - Abstract Factory
2023-09-16 - Factory Method
2023-09-15 - Software Architecture
2023-09-15 - Architectural Decision Record - ADR
2023-09-14 - Functional Tests
2023-09-14 - Acceptance Tests
2023-09-13 - Integration Tests
2023-09-13 - Unit Tests
2023-09-12 - Sprint Planning
2023-09-12 - Development Team - SCRUM-Context
2023-09-11 - Scrum Master
2023-09-07 - Eloquent
2023-09-06 - Crystal Red
2023-09-04 - Product Owner
2023-09-03 - Mnesia
2023-09-02 - Erlang

2023 August

2023-08-31 - Crystal Orange
2023-08-31 - Crystal Yellow
2023-08-31 - Crystal Clear
2023-08-30 - Jenkins
2023-08-30 - Feature Driven Development - FDD
2023-08-30 - Dynamic Systems Development Method - DSDM
2023-08-29 - Crystal
2023-08-28 - Extreme Programming - XP
2023-08-28 - Kanban
2023-08-25 - SCRUM
2023-08-25 - Agile Methodologies
2023-08-24 - Codeception
2023-08-24 - PHPUnit
2023-08-24 - Paratest
2023-08-23 - Contao
2023-08-22 - Phased Rollouts
2023-08-22 - AB-Testing
2023-08-21 - Feature-Flags
2023-08-20 - Node.js
2023-08-20 - Database-API
2023-08-20 - Hardware-API
2023-08-20 - Library APIs
2023-08-19 - Operating System API
2023-08-18 - Web-APIs
2023-08-17 - Representational State Transfer - REST
2023-08-16 - Application Programming Interface - API
2023-08-15 - GraphQL
2023-08-14 - Firebase
2023-08-13 - Apache Cassandra
2023-08-13 - DynamoDB
2023-08-13 - MongoDB
2023-08-13 - CouchDB
2023-08-12 - Riak
2023-08-11 - NoSQL
2023-08-11 - ElasticSearch
2023-08-11 - Mobile optimization
2023-08-10 - Geo-Targeting
2023-08-09 - Local keywords
2023-08-09 - Google My Business
2023-08-07 - Local SEO
2023-08-07 - Content Strategy
2023-08-07 - Technical SEO
2023-08-07 - Off-page optimization
2023-08-06 - On-Page optimization
2023-08-06 - Keyword optimization
2023-08-04 - Search Engine Optimization - SEO
2023-08-03 - WordPress
2023-08-02 - Content Management System - CMS
2023-08-01 - jQuery
2023-08-01 - JavaScript
2023-08-01 - TypeScript
2023-08-01 - Reverse Proxy
2023-08-01 - Varnish

2023 July

2023-07-31 - Redis
2023-07-26 - State
2023-07-26 - Iterator
2023-07-26 - Chain of Responsibility
2023-07-25 - Template Method Pattern
2023-07-25 - Command Pattern
2023-07-25 - Strategy Pattern
2023-07-24 - Observer Pattern
2023-07-24 - Bridge Pattern
2023-07-24 - Decorator Pattern
2023-07-24 - Facade Pattern
2023-07-24 - Composite Pattern
2023-07-24 - Adapter Pattern
2023-07-23 - Creational Patterns
2023-07-23 - Behavioral Patterns
2023-07-23 - Structural Patterns
2023-07-23 - Design Patterns
2023-07-22 - Doctrine
2023-07-21 - Server-Side Rendering
2023-07-21 - Vue.js
2023-07-21 - Single Page Application
2023-07-21 - Babel
2023-07-21 - JSX - JavaScript XM
2023-07-21 - React
2023-07-21 - Angular
2023-07-20 - Ruby on Rails
2023-07-20 - Django
2023-07-20 - Laravel
2023-07-20 - Framework
2023-07-20 - Symfony
2023-07-20 - PHP
2023-07-20 - Zend Framework
2023-07-19 - Dependency Inversion Principle
2023-07-19 - Interface Segregation Principle
2023-07-19 - Liskov Substitution Principle
2023-07-19 - Open-Closed Principle
2023-07-08 - Single-responsibility principle
2023-07-08 - SOLID